Showing posts with label Letters and Protocols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letters and Protocols. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2009

September 26, 2009: In Context of Medjugorje Phenomenon - Part 1 - by Bishop Ratko Peric

The contents of this post originate from an unofficial translation by Richard Chonak at the Catholic Light blog under a post heading: Medjugorje Context: Vlasic's involvement -- or: why the "Gospa" is a heretic.  My comments are bracketed in red.

Thanks to Richard's time and work, we have this translation.  When the laicization of Tomislav Vlasic was reported by the media some months ago, some sources downplayed the involvement of Vlasic because he has been away from Medjugorje for many years. However, discernment process is concerned with facts and like any case, these facts are often found near the beginning of an event, not decades later.  These facts have been there, but perhaps not as readily visible as they are now.

Keep in mind as you read this, that when the Holy See first sanctioned Tomislav Vlasic canonically a year ago - then, still a friar - he was silenced and sent to a monastery as his case was being investigated, "in the context of Medjugorje".  This is what was downplayed, or entirely missed, by some media sources reporting on it.  Now, the bishop puts together the puzzle so the picture may be seen.


[This is a translation of a recent document from Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar-Duvno, from the Italian version on his diocesan website. Corrections to the translation are welcome in the comment box [make those corrections at the original blogpost and I will get them].

The web page begins with a bare statement of Mr. Tomislav Vlasic's laicization, and proceeds to the bishop's article. --Richard Chonak]

The bishop's view:

Vlasic's involvement in the "Medjugorje phenomenon"

Just as last year, when the Holy See sanctioned the Rev. Vlasic with interdict, warning him of more severe penalties if he would not obey, once again numerous comments have appeared in the mass media to proclaim the non-connection between the "Medjugorje phenomenon" and the "Vlasic case". If in both the letter and in reference to the two more serious penalties there is an explicit reminder of the "Medjugorje phenomenon",[1] in which Tomislav Vlasic in involved, why is there never any connection between the one and the other? We would like to recall just that undeniable connection, from the beginning.

Tomislav Vlasic, born at Socivi, 16 January 1942, was ordained a priest as a member of the Herzegovinian Franciscan province, 16 July 1969, at Frohleiten, Austria.[2] After ordination he worked for some time as a spiritual assistant at Humac[3] and starting in 1973 as superior of the residence at the Franciscan house in Jablanovac, Zagabria.[4] At the proposal of the provincial superiors, he was canonically named spiritual assistant in the parish of Capljina in 1977,[5] where he remained in service until 17 August 1981, when he moved to Medjugorje, on his own initiative, without any necessary warning and without the approval of the bishop.[6]

But, according to the Reverend R. Laurentin, the quasi-official historiographer of the "Medjugorje apparitions", the Provincialate gave Fr. Vlasic permission to reside at Medjugorje, all without the knowledge of the Bishop. Fr. Laurentin writes:
"Coming to know of the arrest [of the parish priest --RC] that same day, August 17, Tomislav Vlasic, parish priest from Capljina, went to Medjugorje in order to inform himself and take account of the situation. From there he went immediately to the provincialate, at Mostar, to inform them of the serious situation and the danger that weighed on the parish left without anyone to guide them. The provincial found his observations sensible and his visit providential. He immediately named him to replace the imprisoned parish priest. - Therefore, at the end of the next day, friar Tomislav settled into the presbytery of Medjugorje. For the second time, he contacted the seers, whom he had rapidly questioned on June 29. He became their 'spiritual director' and this would be the title he kept later in the parish....'[7]

Therefore, by the sixth day after the "apparitions" happened at Medjugorje, and after the arrest of friar Jozo Zovko, 17 August, transferred to the parish of Medjugorje, where the Provincialate "appointed" him parochial vicar. Obviously, the Provincialate cannot appoint him as a parochial vicar, but can only propose him, because it is the Bishop who canonically appoints a parish priest or a chaplain, but again such "appointments" are part of the tragic "Herzegovina case" and the "Medjugorje phenomenon".

The Provincialate did propose Fr. Vlasic as "spiritual assistant at Medjugorje", only a year later, 19 July 1982, although it could and must have known about the sad "Zagabria case", which had to be resolved in another way. Bishop Zanic, not knowing about Vlasic's moral life and the implications of the "Zagabria affair", sent the decree on 27 July of that year for his transfer and carrying out his activity at Medjugorje.[8]

Since the year 1981, Fr. Vlasic has been implicated in the events of Medjugorje, accompanying the "seers" and inseparably connected to the "Medjugorje phenomenon", from its beginnings and also in what followed. Or rather, the "Medjugorje phenomenon" was created in a sense , even before its beginning. Already in May 1981, over a month before the beginning of the "apparitions"
"Fr. Vlasic went to Rome for an international congress of leaders of the Charismatic Movement. During the congress he had asked some of those present to pray with him for the healing of the Church in Yugoslavia. A religious, Sister Briege McKenna, who was united with those in prayer, had a vision: she saw Fr. Vlasic seated and surrounded by a great crowd of people facing him, and from the place where he was seated, there flowed rivers of water. Another religious there, Fr. Emile Tardiff, OP, said in prophecy, "Do not be afraid, I will send you my Mother." After a couple of weeks, the Madonna began to appear in Medjugorje." [9]

And above all he has been involved in the "Medjugorje phenomenon" after having been proposed by his Superiors in July 1982 and having been approved and appointed by the Bishop as chaplain of Medjugorje. Here are written proofs.

Friar Tomislav Vlasic and Friar Slavko Barbaric tell the seers what they are to say to the people. In the Chronicle of the apparitions, prepared then by friar Tomislav Vlasic, we read:
21. VIII. 1982. (Saturday). In the morning friar Tomislav and friar Slavko spoke with the seers. The conversation turned toward the direction of the edification of themselves as persons, and toward indicating their role in the context of these events, especially in regard to their authority, which they must not put at risk in responding to all the questions, but direct the people to the way of conversion and waiting for the promises of God."

--Two Franciscans want to indicate the role of the "seers", that they must not put their own authority at risk in responding to all the questions, but speak of "conversion" and "waiting for the promises of God", because they won't make any mistakes that way; at least that is compatible with the real Madonna!

"The seers must not make statements without informing us." In the Chronicle of 12 April 1984. Vlasic wrote:
"Today I spoke with all the seers. I brought to their attention again the necessity of not releasing statements to anyone without informing us."

-- This means that he is to control, verify, approve, and announce what is true and what is false in the "messages of the Gospa". The censor of the "messages of the Gospa"! What an interference in the "Medjugorje phenomenon"!

A grave theological error. In spite of Vlasic, who was illicitly at Medjugorje, a notorious theological heresy showed up, which he had already written down in the Chronicle, 6 May 1982, getting it sincerely from the "seers":
"This evening the young people posed a theological question and received the answer. Are people in heaven present with their souls, or with the soul and the body? - they asked. They are present with the soul and with the body - that was their answer."

-- All of us profess the Catholic faith that the resurrection of the body (resurrectio mortuorum) will be at the Last Judgment, and Fr. Vlasic takes down the fable of the "seers" of Medjugorje: not only Jesus and the Madonna, as we believe in the Catholic Church, but also all the other saved persons in heaven "with the soul and the body"! And he leaves that in the official Chronicle, with no other observation! This means that even he is not clear about this Catholic dogma, and that after 13 years of preaching on the Nicene Creed at Humac, Jablanovac, Capljina, and Medjugorje. No wonder that last year the Congregation indicated he should take the elementary course on theology and pronounce the profession of faith, on the approval of the Holy See!

"The apparition" of Medjugorje praises the work of Vlasic. In Vicka's diary manuscript of 28 February 1982, the alleged apparition greatly praised the work of Vlasic as a guide to the "seers". Vicka's literal text:
"I and Jacov were there. The Gospa came at 6, 3 minutes, she looked kindly at us. Then the Gospa spoke about Tomislav, first she looked at him, and then said: "you can thank Tomislav very much because he is guiding you so well."[10]

-- The one who is illicitly at Medjugorje, and is directing everything so well, and -- directing everyone to follow him. And the "Gospa of Medjugorje" praises and approves it all!

"The apparition" recommends Vlasic as a spiritual teacher. He himself writes in the Chronicle of the apparitions, 5 March 1984, speaking of Ivan Dragicevic:
"The Gospa expressed the desire and recommended, after his request for advice, to finish his upper levels and after that she would show him what to do. She also told him to entrust himself to friar Tomislav Vlasic to guide him spiritually."[11]

The one who, furthermore -- either one of them -- have acted without regard to the "message" of the "apparition" of Medjugorje! Friar Tomislav talks to the "seer" Ivan, Ivan talks to friar Tomislav, and then the whole thing is attributed to the Blessed Virgin.

Vlasic accompanies the seers according to "divine providence". In the letter of 13.IV.1984, he presents himself to the Pope as the one who "through Divine Providence guides the seers of Medjugorje". He reports that "the Madonna continues to recount her life to the seers" and informs the Pope:
"I will be in Rome from 19 April to 10 May for an international meeting. I know that you are very busy, but if you can receive me for a few minutes, I will be able to tell you about the main points of the apparitions."[12]

--The Pope did not receive him.

Barbaric on Vlasic

On the role and the connection of Vlasic with the "Medjugorje phenomenon" even from the beginnings, how he "channeled" the apparitions and events, another disobedient person of Medjugorje has testified, in a better way, writing chronologically: the propagandist of the "apparitions" and myth-maker of the events, friar Slavko Barbaric.

Appointment by the bishop and then the request that friar Slavko leave Medjugorje. The Provincialate proposed Rev. Barbaric as parochial vicar of Medjugorje in the letter of 16 August 1984. Bishop Zanic approved the Tabula the same day and the transfer of Barbaric.[13] But the bishop, on 3 January 1985, writes to the Provincialate, "I ask you to transfer friar Slavko Barbaric from Medjugorje to another position. He at Medjugorje, on the very important questions regarding the alleged "apparitions" of the Madonna is making propaganda in a way completely opposed to the directions I have given many times orally and in writing."[14]

The desire of the "Gospa" for friar Slavko to remain at Medjugorje. The apparitional "phenomenon", however, intervenes, expresses the "desire" that friar Slavko stay at Medjugorje to guide things and collect the information so that after the visit of her "apparitions" a synoptic image may remain of what has happened. In the Chronicle of the apparitions friar Slavko personally wrote this "message" sent to himself:
"3 February 1985. (Sunday) The vision came suddenly. Shorter this evening than in some days, just 2 minutes. Marija, Ivan, and Jakov were present. The message was for friar Slavko, as promised in the vision yesterday. It was given by Ivan. It went as follows: "I would like that Slavko remain here, and attend to all the details and the notes so that at the end of my visit we will have a synoptic image of everything. I am praying especially for Slavko at this time and for all those who work in the parish." [15]

-- It is well known that such a "synoptic image" was a typical Medjugorean daydream of friar Slavko, because he died on 25 November 2000, while the apparition has not ceased to multiply, even nine years now after his death, and as things stand, the apparitions of Medjugorje will have no end! An image truly a-synoptic [a-sinottica], not synoptic.

Vlasic "channels" the "apparitions". Here is what Barbaric wrote in the Chronicle of the apparitions of 1984,[16], which needs to be read in the light of what the Holy See decided in regard to Vlasic during 2008-2009. After the departure of Vlasic from Medugorje, friar Slavko Barbaric wrote that he remained in Medjugorje in the hope that he too would be "chosen according to divine providence" to continue to guide what had become a "tradition".
"2.IV.1984 (Sunday) I cannot fail to mention what happened today. Friar Tomislav Vlasic has been transferred. He said his goodbyes during the high Mass. The whole church was moved to tears, and with reason. Tomislav remains a luminous figure in the history of these apparitions. He was truly prophetic and courageous to come after the imprisonment of friar Jozo Zovko and carry on his work. How much work and fatigue he invested, how much pastoral prudence and prayer, no one could count it all. The grace of God chose him and sent him. He responded and worked. With his pastoral and spiritual experience he channeled this great fountain which welled up on the day of the apparitions. Also wise, full of the Spirit of God he has guided the seers, the parish, and the pilgrims. Despite all the positive activity every day he had to combat the attacks and dangers ready to destroy what was happening at Medjugorje. He knew prophetically to foresee events, read the situation, and move ahead. I am a witness like no one else, because I was here 13 months with him together in this place. In his case, we speak of wisdom and dedication. And in the most difficult moments he remained calm.

And at the more serious attacks, coming from inside and outside, he responded with dignity. He was always ready to support more difficult sacrifices, so that the things of God could advance. Just when I recall all the attacks on the part of the Curia, I have sufficient reason to say: the deportment of Tomislav, the answers and the behavior in the face of the bishop, the prayers and fasting despite denigrations, are one of the proofs that she is - the Queen of peace.

He often repeated. if anyone is disturbed, I'll be ready to get out of the way, because that's for the glory of God. When he knew about the transfer he reacted with calm: I am ready, in humility, to accept every decision and every decree. All of us in the house reacted with emotion. And Tomislav knew, as we all knew, that our Superiors were moving him at the request of the Bishop. It is difficult to say how unjust this request is: one thing is certain - the intention is to punish Tomislav and shut down everything that happened here.

He is already at Vitina. We hope he will be able to come and continue to work in the extraordinary plan of God and collaborate with our Gospa, who is slowly but surely revealing her plan.

I am profoundly convinced, and this is also my prayer: that the Gospa, who in so many messages has made people know to count on her, with impart the grace of love and more profound peace!

With reason Fr. Laurentin said: friar Tomislav, the diligent gardener has cultivated and guided the new people of God.

I remain here, I hope to be chosen in the providence of God to continue what has become a tradition. If I am not sure that God is guiding these events, this evening I will be without fear and trepidation before the great responsibility. I will continue to labor with the groups of pilgrims and with individuals to inform them about the message and development of the events here at Medjugorje. I know that was much more secure while Tomislav was here continually. But may God's will be done. That's how the Gospa's plan will be fulfilled. That the thing will not happen without our sacrifice, prayer, and fasting, that is clear above all. I learned from my dear brother Tomislav and experienced concretely what it means to let yourself be guided and be ready to work as long as God wants. And as well, I know the other friars are ready as are the sisters.

Today friar Petar Ljubicic arrived. He loves Medjugorje, loves the Gospa, and that's enough.

Amen. So be it!"

-- From this statement and from the subsequent events some clear facts follow, in plain terms:

First, friar Tomislav Vlasic does not remain "a luminous figure in the history of these apparitions", but a shadowy figure, "a myth-maker [mistificatore] and charismatic magus" as Bishop Zanic called him.[17] and finally the Holy See dismissed him from religious life and reduced him to the lay state warning him of excommunication if he does not obey the precepts issued up to now. The gravest sanction for a priest.

Second, he spiritually and pastorally "channeled" all these "apparitions", as his colleague friar Slavko put it in his inspired and accurate way; he controlled it, he created myths. created fantasies, always glorified himself, and even perjured himself before the Bishop.

Third, the "attacks" of the Bishop are founded on facts and canonically justified. And the "denigrations" of which friar Slavko writes are the sad facts, easily demonstrable about T. Vlasic because of his double life.[18] All these sad truths were known also to the Superiors and to the same friar Slavko Barbaric, and yet he speaks of denigrations!

Fourth, the thought of R. Laurentin, quasi-official historian of the "phenomena" of Medjugorje from 1983 to 1997, according to whom Vlasic was a "gardener who cultivated and guided the new people of God", is shown to be completely out of place in the light of the statement of Holy See on Vlasic, accused of "spreading dubious doctrines, manipulating consciences, suspect mysticism, disobedience to legitimate orders, and violations against the sixth commandment." If you understand that this does not only refer to his time in Italy, since he regularly and systematically came to Medjugorje, to his big house whose construction the Franciscan fathers, through the parish priest of Medjugorje, approved in 1994, and where he directed retreats in which he not only "manipulated consciences", but also called upon spirits! The Curia of his community have received proof.[19]

Fifth, friar Slavko wants to continue the work of friar Tomislav, to "channel" things according to his own intentions. He too, like Vlasic, will be praised by the "apparitions of Medjugorje". He too is convinced of being chosen by the providence of God. And now: how can you prove to such fanatics that they are "false prophets"!

[NOTE: The titles in the references have been translated where possible. --RC.]

[1] The whole case has been presented in the Official Bulletin of the dioceses of Herzegovina, 2/2008, pp. 79-81.

[2] Ž. ILIĆ, The Church in Herzegovina, Duvno 1974, p. 82-83.

[3] General Overview of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia, Zagreb, 1975, p. 398.

[4] The Christian people and the Franciscans in Herzegovina, Mostar, 1977, p. 202.

[5] Letter of the diocesan curia, no. 638/1977, 19 August 1977.

[6] Official Bulletin, 2/2008., p. 80.

[7] R. Laurentin, Reports and messages of the apparations of Medjugorje Brescia 1987, p. 90.

[8] Letter of the curia confirming the Tabula, no. 711/82, 27.VII.1981. In the accompanying note Bishop Zanic writes regarding the parochial vicar at parrocchiale di Međugorje, Fr. Vlašić: "You need to be attentive to the further development of events in the parish of Medjugorje You have shown the hope that the new vicar in the parish of Medjugorje will make, if things are clarified, purified, and overseen. It is necessary to sustain and pursue your work in this sense.".

[9] Official Bulletin, 2/2008, p. 80, quoting from Rooney - R. Faricy, Mary the queen of peace, Milano, 1984, p. 34. See also P. Žanić, Current (non-official) position of the episcopal curia of Mostar on the events of Međugorje, Mostar, 30. X. 1984, pp. 6-7.

[10] V. Ivanković, The third diary, handwritten manuscript, copy in the diocesan curia of Mostar.

[11] S. Barbarić (handwritten), Chronicle of the apparitions, p. 747. Copy in the curia.

[12] Letter from T. Vlasic to the Holy Father, 13 aprile 1984, in italian. Cf. Ogledalo Pravde, p. 56, with a photocopy of part of the letter.

[13] Letter of the diocesan Curia to the Provincialate, no. 857/84, 16 August 1984.

[14] Letter of the diocesan Curia to the Provincialate, nr. 1/85, 3 January 1985.

[15] S. Barbarić (handwritten), Chronicle of the apparitions, vol. III, p. 247. Laurentin changed this "message" of the apparition regarding the guide of the parish: :"I desire that Fr. Slavko remain here, he who is guiding the parish and keeping the records, so that when I am no longer coming, a more complete image of everything that has taken place. In this moment I pray especially for Fr. Slavko and for all those who are working in this parish" - R. Laurentin, Latest News, 3 (1985) in French: pp. 25-26; In Italian: pp. 29-30; Ogledalo Pravde, str. 59.

[16] S. BARBARIĆ (handwritten), Chronicle of the apparitions, vol. III, pp. 3-6.

[17] P. Žanić, Current (non-official) position..., 30. X. 1984, p. 22.

[18] It suffices to have a look at the "correspondence" of Vlašić, published several times; copies are already on file in the Curia From Zagreb, 7. XII. 1976; from Zagreb, 9. I. 1977; from Međugorje, 15. XII. 1981; from Krapanj, 15. V. 1982; from Dubrovnik, 15. V. 1983.

[19] Official Bulletin, 2/208, p. 81.
Additional Links:

- Two Letters made public on September 29, 2009 in Part 3 of the three-part statement: June 12, 2009: Prot. 648/2009 - 649/2009: Letters from Bishop Peric to Pastor and Parochial Vicar at St. James in Medjugorje

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

June 12, 2009: Prot. 648/2009 - 649/2009: Letters from Bishop Peric to Pastor and Parochial Vicar at St. James in Medjugorje

The full content of this post is from Richard Chonak at Catholic Light who provided an unofficial translation of the two letters contained in Part III of a three-part statement issued in Italian at the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno website.  Those links are at the bottom.  When it becomes available in English at the diocesan website, this post will be edited. 


[SUMMARY: Bp. Ratko Peric of Mostar-Duvno in Bosnia and Herzegovina has sent letters to the pastor and a parochial vicar at Medjugorje, with specific directives about how they and the parish are not to promote the alleged apparitions of the place:
  • that alleged messages and commentaries on them are not to be published;
  • that prayers from the apparitions are not to be used publicly;
  • the parish church is not to be called a "shrine", even privately;
  • that foreign priests may not give conferences or retreats without permission of the bishop;
  • foreign priests wishing to offer Mass must present a celebret from their diocese or order, and the information is to be recorded;
  • a privately-built church has already been closed and is not to be used;
  • unauthorized religious communities have no permission to set up residence;
  • and about regulating several other forms of promotion of the alleged phenomenon.

This is a newly published document from the website of the diocese of Mostar-Duvno. (Note: the web page contains three documents; scroll down to see the source for what follows.) Here I am presenting a translation based on the Italian version on the website, so I have to acknowledge the limitations involved in a derivative translation. Any mistakes are my responsibility; please inform me via the comment box of improvements or corrections. Thanks! -- Richard Chonak]

Letter of the bishop to Friar Petar Vlasic, parish priest of Medjugorje

Mostar, 12 June 2009.: Prot. 648/2009

Reverend parish priest friar Peter!

After having made the canonical visit to the parish of Medjugorje last Wednesday, 10 June, where nine other Franciscan fathers share the pastoral care of souls with you, according to the directive issued by this office, I wish to make reference now, by this means, to several points.

Inasmuch as you are the current parish priest, who have been working in that capacity since September 2007, I express to you my sincere thanks for maintaining transparent records in the books of registration and other matters. For a parish priest, as for a bishop - it is really essential to carry out not only the munus docendi et sanctificandi, but also the munus gubernandi entrusted to us.

Munus docendi:

The rule is still valid that in the parish of Medjugorje priests coming from elsewhere are not permitted to conduct retreats or spiritual exercises, nor to hold conferences, without the approval of this office. (Circular of 23.8.2001, #1290/2001)

Analogously, neither foreign nor domestic priests can promote alleged "messages" or "apparitions" which have not been proclaimed authentic in that church or on church property.

Munus sanctificandi:

It is praiseworthy that you require from every priest who wishes to celebrate the Holy Mass at Medjugorje the celebret of his ecclesiastical superior and that you record in a particular book all the concelebrants, from the beginning of this year.

As well, you have kept me informed about the "Oasis of peace", which, since the intervention of this office on 15 December 2008, no longer keeps the Blessed Sacrament privately in their chapel and no longer conducts adoration, which they had been doing according to their own account. They do not have permission as a religious association to reside in the territory of this diocese.

Munus gubernandi:

You have informed me that the church in Bijakovic, built by a foreign member of the faithful as his ex voto, without the necessary request and approval of the competent ecclesiastical authority, has been closed by now and that no services are conducted in it.

In the parish chronicle you have made sure to record, with the right terminology, everything that happens to this parish as a pastoral unit of this diocese, without regard to all the stories about "seers", "apparitions", and "messages" connected with the parish.

"The phenomenon of Medjugorje":

The "Shrine". The parish of Medjugorje cannot be called a shrine, neither privately, nor publicly, not officially, because it is not recognized as such by any level of competent ecclesial authority. And that wording cannot appear on the web site of "Medjugorje - place of prayer and reconciliation", where it is currently found in many places. In a statement on that site - where there is no indication of who is responsible for it - this message appears:

"To avoid any misunderstanding, we wish to underscore that the Shrine has not given the mission of representing Medjugorje to anyone. The Shrine has not given the mission to any community or person either in Medjugorje or outside of Medjugorje - of speading or interpreting the messages of the Gospa. All these initiatives are private and voluntary on the part of the faithful and the communities."

From that statement it appears as if the site is proclaiming itself as being a "Shrine". Then it seems in some way to be the only competent [source] to give instruction to the world. As the local Ordinary, in this present letter, I declare that the so-called "shrine" has no mission to declare itself a "Shrine", nor to present (the parish) with that title, because it has no ecclesiastical mission to present itself in the name of Medjugorje, nor to spread or interpret the "apparitions" and "messages" of Medjugorje.

Commentaries on the "messages": I have already discussed with you and with another vicar, with friar Danko Perutina, who writes and publishes the commentaries on the "messages" issued from the "apparitions" on the 25th of the month. It was said that he receives the "messages" of the "seer" Marija from Italy or from Medjugorje when she is in that location, and then he presents them there, comments on them and publishes them. This is contrary to the decision and request of this Curia, especially after the declaration of 10 June 2006, which was repeated in the parish church on 6 July 2009 (the accompanying homily).

The Cenacolo. After our intervention, on Christmas Day of last year, there are no longer private "apparitions" in the courtyard of the Cenacolo by the alleged "seer" Mirjana Dragićević, married name Soldo, on the second of each month.

The association "Queen of Peace..." I have been informed in our meeting that in the association founded by Tomislav Vlašić at Medjugorje, which equally has no permission to reside in the territory of this diocese, there are some members, men and women, who dress in lay clothes.

The number of prayers. In September 2007, on the occasion of your installation in the office of parish priest, I indicated to you that the so-called "seers" cannot present themselves on any occasion to promote their private "apparitions" and "messages", nor to preside, nor to have anyone preside in their place, at the recitation of a certain number of prayers "received" in an "apparition". Therefore, they cannot use prayers from scripture or those approved by the Church as a means of introducing "numbers" and "messages" from the private "apparition".

The intentions of the rosary. It is equally not permitted to introduce intentions received in an "apparition" or "message" during the prayer of the Rosary of Our Lady. We have sufficient official intentions (from the Pope, from the bishop, for the missions) and there is no need to arbitrarily have recourse to alleged apparitions and messages and mix them with the Church's public prayers.

Anniversaries. It is not permitted that the "seers" be invited and present themselves in the parish church or on any church properties at any time, especially on occasions related to the "apparitions" of Medjugorje, to promote their private "messages" and "apparitions". Therefore, we do not mix the unrecognized with what is recognized, the private with the official, the non-liturgical with the liturgical.

Grateful for what you, together with the other friars of the parish, undertake for the good of souls, and because you know how to clearly separate pastoral care from private "apparitions" and "messages", I greet you with devout respects.

And the second letter:

Letter of the bishop to friar Danko Perutina, parochial vicar of Medjugorje

Mostar, 12 June 2009; Prot. 649/2009

Reverend friar Danko!

After your priestly ordination in 1999 and at the conclusion of your studies, I appointed you, at the suggestion of your religious superiors, in 2000, parochial vicar of Humac. Then, again at the suggestion of your provincial governor, in 2001, vicar of Medjugorje, in 2005 again of Humac, and in 2007 at Medjugorje. In the meantime, you studied and obtained a degree in mariology at Rome.

I write to you in reference to your commentaries on the so-called "messages" and "apparitions" on the 25th day of the month. In an official visit to Medjugorje on the 10 June, I had a conversation with you, with the parish priest friar Petar Vlasic and another vicar present.

In the conversation it became clear that Marija Pavlović, married name Lunetti, daily "seer" who lives in Italy, and temporarily also at Medjugorje, sends to the parish office or to some one of your pastoral workers in the parish of Medjugorje, her "message" of the 25th day of the month, which is then published on the Medjugorje web site and in other mass media. And you regularly make commentary on the monthly "message", which is published in various languages.

When I asked how the "messages" of the 25th were published, and not the other "messages" said to be "private", I did not feel I received a clear and convincing answer. I do not know who has sent and authorized you to comment on them and publish them on the site. What sort of person is assuming the right to decide that some "messages" be omitted and others published, and that this is done through the parish office and the site connected with the parish of Medjugorje?

We are gradually succeeding in distancing the unrecognized "apparitions" and "messages" from the parish church and from church property, and the appearances of the "seers" before or after Holy Mass. In that conversation I reminded you of having asked in 2006, and reconfirmed in 2009 from the altar, that "No priest who works canonically in this parish of Medjugorje or who is here temporarily, is authorized to present his private opinion, contrary to the official position of the Church on the "apparitions and messages", neither at the celebration of the sacraments, or during the regular acts of devotion, nor in the Catholic media." (homily attached).

To avoid any misunderstanding, in this present letter I declare that you, according to my decree, are not authorized, either in the name of the parish office or as parochial vicar, to comment upon and publish the "messages" of the 25th or any other day of the month. These are private "messages" of private persons for private use. And we cannot permit that this is given the form of a message from the parish office, from the parish priest, or any parochial vicar, or even of the "Shrine" which is not recognized as such at any level: not diocesan, or the level of the episcopal conference, or of the Holy See.

Therefore I expect with trust, without any further admonitions, that from now on you will not publish your commentaries, either in the name of the parish office or in your own name, or under a pseudonym, not after the 25th of this month or at all, as long as things continue as is.

I greet you with devout respects.



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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What did Archbishop Bertone really say about the Bishop of Mostar's authority and opinion?

Keep in mind, that the official position of the Church goes back to the 1991 Zadar Declaration which is non constat de supernaturalitate [the supernaturality is not proven], which is not an outright condemnation and leaves the case open to further investigation.

First, it is important to point out that Medjugorje supporters will often claim that the bishop was "relieved of the dossier", which is false. It is the first way in which they attempt to discredit his legitimate authority as Ordinary of the place. In a press release by Cardinal Kuharic in January 1987 in Glas Koncila, His Eminence explains why the decision was taken to the level of bishop's conference (and, I might add, Bishop Zanic was involved in the process! If he were truly "relieved", he would not be deeply engaged):

"During the inquiry these events under investigation have appeared to go much beyond the limits of the diocese. Therefore, on the basis of the said regulations, it became fitting to continue the work at the level of the Bishops' Conference, and thus to form a new Commission for that purpose."
The cause of the change in who will get final discernment then is clear in the statement offered by Cardinal Kuharic: It affects more than just the diocese of Mostar-Duvno. With this now understood it is clear that the bishop alone will no longer be responsible for a final judgment on Medjugorje. Rather, it will be up to another commission, or some other body determined by the CDF.  If you look carefully at each commission thus far, it always included the local bishop, and future commissions will undoubtedly do the same.  This is protocol and is also proof that His Excellency is not in some kind of "negative light" at the Holy See on account of his now constant negative position as is alleged on many promoter sites.  The case had developed such global reach by 1987 that it needed to be elevated.  It's that simple. 

Now we get to the actual letter by Bishop Peric to which Cardinal Bertone will later refer when he speaks about the bishop's "personal opinion".

" conviction and position is not only non constat de supernaturalitate [the supernaturality is not proven] but also the other formula constat de non supernaturalitate [the non-supernaturality is proven] of the apparitions or revelations of Medjugorje.

Hence, Bishop Peric, as an individual - not speaking on behalf of the Church changes his position from one that is somewhat neutral, to a negative judgment.   He further clarifies in the same letter, that he does not have the final decision himself:

5) Nevertheless I am open to a study that the Holy See would undertake, as the supreme court of the Catholic Church, to speak the supreme and definitive judgment on the case, and that as soon as possible, for the good of souls and for the honor of the Church and of Our Lady.
So, at no point did Bishop Ratko Peric attempt to pass a final judgment; rather, he communicated with great clarity, a change in his personal position. While it was not a final judgment, in the minds of many Catholics, it was a weighty opinion. 

Now we can get into the letter by then Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone (now a Cardinal and the Vatican Secretary of State) which contains a line that has been taken grossly out of context by some supporters of Medjugorje and projected in all kinds of ways which undermine the credibility of the bishop of Mostar.  You will find around the web ridiculous claims that "Bishop Peric was silenced", or that "Bishop Peric is being disobedient for speaking about the apparitions" because of what +Bertone said.  Let's look at the relevant excerpt from the letter:

In 1998, Archbishop Bertone, responding to Mons. Gilbert Aubry (Pr. No 154/81-05922), was clarifying the Church's position on pilgrimages. In one paragraph, he refers to that statement above by Bishop Peric and writes:

What Bishop Peric said in his letter to the Secretary General of "Famille Chretienne", declaring: "My conviction and my position is not only 'non constat de supernaturalitate,' but likewise, 'constat de non supernaturalitate' of the apparitions or revelations in Medjugorje", should be considered the expression of the personal conviction of the Bishop of Mostar which he has the right to express as Ordinary of the place, but which is and remains his personal opinion.
Note: All of these communications on pilgrimages are in a single post where you can scroll and read here later: Are pilgrimages to Medjugorje permitted or not???

Why does Cardinal Bertone say this? It's simple. Bishop Peric no longer has jurisdiction to make a definitive final judgment because it belongs to a greater body now that it has such a global presence. In no way is Cardinal Bertone saying that Bishop Peric should not state his personal opinion, nor shepherd his diocese. Rather, he says he has a right to express it. In fact, +Bertone reasserts the authority held by the local bishop in pastoral matters in the same letter:

However, the numerous gatherings of the faithful from different parts of the world, who are coming to Medjugorje prompted both by motives of belief and certain other motives, require the attention and pastoral care in the first place of the bishop of the diocese and of the other bishops with him so that in Medjugorje, and everything related to it, a healthy devotion toward the Blessed Virgin Mary would be promoted in conformity with the teaching of the Church.

People use that statement by Cardinal Bertone to say that Bishop Peric is "disobedient" for speaking out against the apparitions, and even that "Bishop Peric has been silenced by the Vatican". These are common allegations rooted in that communication by Cardinal Bertone and they are disingenuous. Those making such claims need to re-examine their position and consider that they are making false claims against the apostolic successor of that diocese.


People, innocently seeking information about Medjugorje stumble upon pro-Medjugorje sites and in blog comment boxes which proliferate these false claims against the local bishop. It is sometimes taken at face value by those who do not take the time to examine all of the letters in context before they tell others.  The damage to the Church is significant and it has caused great division. On the one side you have the Apostolic Successor (the Church), on the other side, the promoters and supporters who are pitted against him using disinformation. 

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Monday, May 25, 2009

February 20, 1999: The Decree "Romanis Pontificibus" Definitively Implemented

The Decree "Romanis Pontificibus"
Definitively Implemented

Mostar - The Vicar General, Br Stefano Ottenbreit and the Diocescan Bishop, Msgr Ratko Peric met in Mostar from 17 to 20 February to definitively implement the prescriptions of the Holy See’s Decree "Romanis Pontificibus". Msgr Mario Cassari, acting Charg_ d’Affaires at the Papal Nunciature in Bosnia Herzegovina represented the Holy See. The General Definitory of the Order and the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, in ecclesial communion with the local Bishop, confirmed their wish for complete agreement and unity of purpose. The 7 parishes indicated in the decree were handed over to the Bishop.

From 22 February the Franciscan Pastors were relieved of their pastoral responsibilities and were assigned to other duties in the Province. Br Stefano and General Definitors Br Kapistran Martzall and Br Peter Schorr concelebrated the Sunday Eucharist with the Bishop in the packed Cathedral of Mostar, in the presence of the national and Croatian media. The actual transfer of the 7 parishes to the diocesan Clergy did not take place on Sunday the 21st as planned, since there was organised physical resistance on the part of the parishioners, as well as serious written and verbal threats, occupation of Churches and Parochial houses and the removal of Parish registers and stamps.

Msgr Ratko Peric, together with the priests and faithful, publicly expressed his deep appreciation to the Order and to the Province of Herzegovina for their untiring work in favour of the local Church. He also reaffirmed the need for their continuing presence and pastoral collaboration for the future.
Following this decree’s implementation, the Province of the Assumption of the BVM in Mostar has pastoral responsibility for 30 parishes and the Diocese is responsible for 52.

Following the joint letter sent by the Minister General of the Friars Minor, Br Giacomo Bini and by the Bishop of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno, Msgr Ratko Peric, of 16 November 1998, and following the Communication issued by Archbishop Marcello Zago, Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, by the Minister General and by the local Bishop on 14 December 1998,

The representative of the Minister General
Br Stephan Ottenbreit, Vicar General of the Order
And the Diocesan Bishop, Msgr Ratko Peric

Met in Mostar from 17 to 20 February 1999 to definitively implement the prescriptions of the Holy See’s Decree "Romanis Pontificibus". Msgr Mario R. Cassari, acting Chargè d’Affaires at the Papal Nunciature in Bosnia Herzegovina represented the Holy See.

The two co-executors affirmed and decided as follows:

1.The General Government of the Order, together with the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, in ecclesial communion with the local Bishop, confirms it desire to carry out what has been decreed by the Holy See and decided by the General Chapter of the Franciscan Order, in complete agreement and unity of purpose.

2.It is painful to note that it has not been possible to transfer the parishes mentioned in the Decree from the Franciscans to the Diocesan Clergy on 21 February 1999, as previously agreed, notwithstanding the good will of the Co-executors, for the following reasons: acts of organised physical resistance, serious written and verbal threats, occupation of parochial Churches and houses, removal of parish registers and stamps

3.As and from 22 February the current Pastors and those with Pastoral responsibility, cited in the Decree are relieved of the above-mentioned pastoral responsibility. They are:
Br Petar Vlasic of Blagaj/Buna,
Br Leonard Hrkac of Crnac,
Br Marko Dragicevic and Br Miro Sego of Grude,
Br Alojzije Bosnjak of Jablanica,
Br Tihomir Kutle of Mostarski Gradac,
Br Oton Bilic of Nevesinje,
Br Drago Skrobo of Ploce-Tepcici.
These friars, who have been appointed by their Minister Provincial with his Definitory to houses of the Province, will have pastoral responsibilities within the Diocese in accordance with the agreement that the Provincial Government will make with the Diocesan Bishop.

4.Until the situation is normalised as soon as possible, i.e. until the Diocesan priests can assume the canonical administration of the above-mentioned parishes, the Bishop of the Diocese, in keeping with his duty, is committed to ensuring the pastoral care of the faithful. These are requested to refer as follows:

- the Parishioners of Blagaj/Buna and of Nevesinje to the Parish Offices of St John the Apostle or to the Cathedral of Mostar;
- the Parishioners of Crnac and of Mostarski Gradac to the Parish Offices of Polog or Jare;
- the Parishioners of Grude to the Parish Offices of Ledinac or Raskrizije;
- the Parishioners of Jablanica to the Parish Offices of St Matthew the Apostle or to the Cathredal of Mostar.
The Bishop and Priests of the Diocesan Curia are also available to any of the faithful who have need of pastoral assistance.

5.In regard to the current situation in Capljina, the Co-executors draw attention, particularly to the Faithful, that the priests Bonifacije Barbaric and Boze Rados, were dismissed from the Order of Friars Minor, on 28 February 1998. The Holy See confirmed their dismissal on 23 March 1998. Consequently, they may no longer use the Franciscan habit. On 17 December 1998 they were suspended "a divinis" by the Holy See, such suspension being applied by the Diocesan Bishop on 30 December 1998; they are thus forbidden to celebrate all the sacraments. The process for the dismissal from the Order of the third disobedient priest residing in Capljina, Br Mile Vlacic is under way. The sacraments of Confession and Matrimony, administered by the three above named persons are invalid.

6.Similar canonical sanctions will be taken against those other Franciscans who do not adhere to the directives of the Holy See and the Minister General with his Definitory. In cases of extreme necessity, ecclesiastical law allows the local Bishop to place under inderdict Churches that have been occupied illegally.

7.The General Government of the Order, together with the Government of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, publicly renews its dissociation from the "Association of the Catholic Faithful of Mir i Dobro". This association, which is not recognised by the Catholic Church, is therefore illegitimate.

8.In this time of trial, the Catholic Faithful of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno, in keeping with their past, desire to strengthen their sense of communion with and fidelity to the Apostolic See and the Holy Father.

9.The local Bishop, with the priests and faithful, are deeply grateful to the Order of Friars Minor and the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina for their untiring work in favour of the growth and unity of the local Church and they reaffirm the necessity of their presence and pastoral collaboration for the future.

Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church, may this time of Lent, the favourable time of conversion, and the entire Year dedicated to our heavenly Father, be of spiritual assistance to us in the journey through the Cross towards the Resurrection.

Mostar, 20 February 1999

Br Stephan Ottenbreit,
Msgr Ratko Peric
Vicar General of the Order of Friars Minor
Bishop of Mostar-Duvno

Note: Croatian Original at the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno:

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are pilgrimages to Medjugorje permitted or not???

This is one of the most discussed topics on the subject of Medjugorje: Pilgrimages.

Keep in mind as you read this, that the 1978 CDF document on apparition discernment used by bishops says (emphasis mine in bold):

b) Then, if this examination appears favorable, to allow certain public demonstrations of cult and devotion, while continuing to investigate the facts with extreme prudence(which is equivalent to the formula: “for the moment, nothing is opposed to it”).

With that in mind, you may notice two common threads in each of these communications out of the Bishop's conference and the Vatican.

With regards to that last part, it is also prudent to consider something that Msgr. Henri Brincard, the Bishop of Puy-en-Velay (accompanying Bishop of the Association of Marian organisations), said in a letter written on behalf of the French Bishops in 2000:

In conclusion, allow me to make the following reflection:
"I have no authority to pronounce any ecclesial judgement whatsoever on the events of Medjugorje. I am therefore the first to have to give an example of obedience, notably in respecting the pastoral decisions of my confrere of Mostar and in complying with joy to his wishes.

"I do not see how I can go to Medjugorje without giving my support, by the very fact of my having come there, to the events who's discernment and assessment rests henceforth with the Episcopal Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Such support would fly in the face of a traditional teaching of the Church, recalled in Lumen Gentium and applicable to all the successors of the Apostles (11): "Individual bishops, in so far as they are set over particular Churches, exercise their pastoral office over the portion of the People of God assigned to them, not over other Churches nor the Church universal."
And now, for the communications we have to date on pilgrimages, in chronological order.

FEBRUARY 1987: Franjo Cardinal Kuharic on Pilgrimages

Franjo Cardinal Kuharic, President of the Yugoslav Bishop's Conference, noted in a 1987 press release in which he announced the new Commission which would eventually produce the Zadar Declaration in 1991, the following:

While waiting for the results of the Commission's work and the Church's verdict, let the Pastors and the faithful honor the practice of the usual prudence in such circumstances. For that reason, it is not permitted to organize either pilgrimages or other religious manifestations based on an alleged supernatural character attributed to Medjugorje's events. Marian devotion, legitimate and recommended by the Church, must be in accordance with the directives of the Magisterium, and especially the apostolic encyclical Marialis Cultus February 2, 1974 (cf. AAS, 66, 1974, p. 113-168).

APRIL 1996: Archbishop Tarciscio Bertone on Pilgrimages


Vatican City, March 23, 1996

Prot. No. 154/81-01985

Your Excellency,

In your letter of February 14, 1996 you inquired what is the present position of the Church regarding the alleged "apparitions in Medjugorje' and whether it is permitted to the Catholic faith to go there for pilgrimage.

In reference to that, it is my honor to make known to you that, regarding the authenticity of the apparitions in question, the Bishops of the former Yugoslavia confirmed in their Declaration of April 10, 1991 published in Zadar:

". . .On the basis of investigation up till now it cannot be established that one is dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations.

However, the numerous gatherings of the faithful from different parts of the world, who are coming to Medjugorje prompted both by motives of belief and certain other motives, require the attention and pastoral care in the first place of the bishop of the diocese and of the other bishops with him so that in Medjugorje, and everything related to it, a healthy devotion toward the Blessed Virgin Mary would be promoted in conformity with the teaching of the Church.

For that purpose the bishops shall issue separate appropriate liturgical-pastoral directives. Likewise by means of their Commission they shall further follow and investigate the total event in Medjugorje."

The result from this, in what is precisely said, is that official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, are not permitted to be organized either on the parish or on the diocesan level, because that would be in contradiction to what the Bishops of former Yugoslavia affirmed in their fore mentioned Declaration.

Kindly accept, your Excellency, an expression of my profoundly devoted affection!

+ Tarcisio Bertone

AUGUST 1996: Vatican Spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls

Speaking on Aug. 21st 1996 in Rome Vatican Press Office spokesman, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, sought to clarify the status of pilgrimages to Medjugorje. He noted, after citing the 1991 Zadar Declaration,

"You cannot say people cannot go there until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want ... When one reads what Archbishop Bertone wrote, one could get the impression that from now on everything is forbidden, no possibility" for Catholics to travel to Medjugorje. But, in fact, "nothing has changed, nothing new has been said ... The problem is if you systematically organize pilgrimages, organize them with the bishop and the church, you are giving a canonical sanction to the facts of Medjugorje ... This is different from people going in a group who bring a priest with them in order to go to confession ... I was worried that what Archbishop Bertone said could be interpreted in too restricted a way. Has the church or the Vatican said no (to Catholics visiting Medjugorje)? NO. ... The difference, in the terms of canon law, is that an official pilgrimage, organized by the diocese with the bishop, is a way of giving a juridical sanction to the facts; you are saying this is true."

MAY 1998: Letter from Abp Bertone to Bishop Aubrey (added emphasis in green)

Pr. No 154/81-05922
Citta del Vaticano, Palazzo del S. Uffizio
May 26, 1998

To His Excellency Mons. Gilbert Aubry,
Bishop of Saint-Denis de la Reunion


In your letter of January 1, 1998, you submitted to this Dicastery several questions about the position of the Holy See and of the Bishop of Mostar in regard to the so called apparitions of Medjugorje, private pilgrimages and the pastoral care of the faithful who go there.

In regard to this matter, I think it is impossible to reply to each of the questions posed by Your Excellency. The main thing I would like to point out is that the Holy See does not ordinarily take a position of its own regarding supposed supernatural phenomena as a court of first instance. As for the credibility of the "apparitions" in question, this Dicastery respects what was decided by the bishops of the former Yugoslavia in the Declaration of Zadar, April 10, 1991: "On the basis of the investigations so far, it can not be affirmed that one is dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations." Since the division of Yugoslavia into different independent nations it would now pertain to the members of the Episcopal Conference of Bosnia-Hercegovina to eventually reopen the examination of this case, and to make any new pronouncements that might be called for.

What Bishop Peric said in his letter to the Secretary General of "Famille Chretienne", declaring: "My conviction and my position is not only 'non constat de supernaturalitate,' but likewise, 'constat de non supernaturalitate' of the apparitions or revelations in Medjugorje", should be considered the expression of the personal conviction of the Bishop of Mostar which he has the right to express as Ordinary of the place, but which is and remains his personal opinion.

Finally, as regards pilgrimages to Medjugorje, which are conducted privately, this Congregation points out that they are permitted on condition that they are not regarded as an authentification of events still taking place and which still call for an examination by the Church.

I hope that I have replied satisfactorily at least to the principal questions that you have presented to this Dicastery and I beg Your Excellency to accept the expression of my devoted sentiments.

Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone

That statement I've highlighted in green, has been severely distorted by promoters of Medjugorje. It has been presented in such a way as to lead readers to believe he has been "stripped of his authority". The bishop made clear in that letter he was speaking for himself because in the succeeding paragraph, he invites the Church to take on the matter for further study. More these kinds of distortions in a later post which will be linked here.